Facilitators of courageous conversations, empowering education and bold leadership.

Devine Health Education was originally founded to improve health and promote wellbeing for children and young people. With over 20 years of collaboration with schools and youth settings across the globe, we were brought together by a shared vision to reduce the harm faced by women and girls. 

We quickly recognised the need to work with those supporting students and developed our workplace wellbeing offer. Throughout this work, we witnessed how women can hold themselves back in the workplace and the impact this has on them and the organisation. Research conducted with women found only 55% felt they had the leadership skills required for their role, our founder and associates used to be those women!  

The organisation in its current form was born. Preventative health education in schools and working with female leaders in organisations, always with the same aim to enable women and girls to step into their power and reach their potential. Our work has now grown to include coaching, leadership, and health education across all sectors. 

All work is underpinned by the latest best practice and evidence, tailored specifically to your organisation. If you want to learn more about what we can offer you, contact us for a no obligation discussion.  

With over 20 years experience collaborating with schools, colleges and youth organisations to deliver engaging health curriculum and campaigns, our aim is to improve health and reduce risk for children and young people. We bring a unique combination of health, educational and leadership expertise, to create a safe, happy and healthy environment for all to thrive, tailored to the needs of your organisation.

Building female leaders to step into their power with confidence to make decisions, hold bold conversations and facilitate courageous change. A focused programme of continuous professional development, coaching and mentoring. Our bespoke leadership programme supports female leaders with the 4 C’s: Confidence, courage, curiosity and compassion. 

In coaching we create a supportive and collaborative space for individuals or small groups to make transformative change It is powerful, short term and goal orientated work, that explores strategies to enable clients to learn and grow. Stepping into leadership roles, building confidence or developing as professionals are some of the key challenges our clients present with.

Health and performance – (whether adult or young person) are intrinsically linked. We offer comprehensive organisational health and wellbeing audits that encompass policy and procedure, community voice, culture and environment to enable you to get the best from your staff, whilst being a supportive employer. For schools, this also considers the health curriculum and student wellbeing. A bespoke and specific action plan is then produced, with regular progress reviews.

Read what our clients say....